QA Automation


64 Hours

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Course Outline

This course is planned to QA manual personnel in their transition to Automation QA. The course contains three main subjects – JAVA, Selenium and Katalon.


There are no upcoming meetings for this course.
Contact us to schedule this course, which will be customized specifically for your organization.


Introduction to JAVA
  • Java History
  • Language Features
The JAVA Environment
  • Java Virtual Machine
  • First Java Program
  • Java compiler
  • Garbage collection
  • Installation and distribution
JAVA Syntax
  • Comments
  • Variables
  • Primitive types
  • Operations
  • Flow control
  • Strings
  • Arrays
Java Class Definition
  • Methods
  • Constructors
  • Encapsulation
  • static and final variables
  • Javadoc
  • Objects references
  • The this keyword
Strings and Matrixes
  • String, StringBuffer, StringBuiler
  • Define a matrix
  • Working with matrix and graphs
Packages, JAR files, Class Path
  • Packages
  • The import statement
  • Class loading and CLASSPATH
  • Package-friendly access
  • JAR files
Inheritance & Polymorphism
  • Inheritance in Java
  • The super keyword
  • Single inheritance
  • protected access
  • Implementing polymorphism
Abstract Classes & Interfaces
  • Abstract classes
  • Interfaces
  • Simulating multiple inheritance
  • Disadvantages
Multi Threading
  • Java Thread API
  • The Runnable interface
  • Threads lifecycle
  • Synchronization
  • Wait/notify
Selenium Overview
  • Introduction
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
Selenium IDE
  • Download Selenium IDE
  • Features
  • Understanding HTML
  • Pattern Matching
  • Different Browsers
Selenium Web Driver
  • Architecture
  • Scripting Using Web Driver
  • Most Used Commands
Web Driver and Java
  • Adding functions and classes to Web Driver
  • Introduction
  • Basics
  • Writing Test Cases
  • Web and Mobile Automation
  • Tips & Tricks
  • Integration
Katalon Advanced
  • Best Practices
  • Katalon Analytics
  • Basic Syntax
  • Groovy compared to JAVA


  • Experience in manual testing methods. Background in any development language can be useful in this course

Upcoming Meetings

There are no upcoming meetings for this course.
Contact us to schedule this course, which will be customized specifically for your organization.

Target Audience

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