Course outline
This course is planned to QA manual personnel in their transition to Automation QA. The course contains three main subjects – JAVA, Selenium and Katalon.
Upcoming meetings
There are no upcoming meetings for this course. Contact us to schedule this course, which will be customized specifically for your organization.
- Java History
- Language Features
- Java Virtual Machine
- First Java Program
- Java compiler
- Garbage collection
- Installation and distribution
- Comments
- Variables
- Primitive types
- Operations
- Flow control
- Strings
- Arrays
- Methods
- Constructors
- Encapsulation
- static and final variables
- Javadoc
- Objects references
- The this keyword
- String, StringBuffer, StringBuiler
- Define a matrix
- Working with matrix and graphs
- Packages
- The import statement
- Class loading and CLASSPATH
- Package-friendly access
- JAR files
- Inheritance in Java
- The super keyword
- Single inheritance
- protected access
- Implementing polymorphism
- Abstract classes
- Interfaces
- Simulating multiple inheritance
- Disadvantages
- Java Thread API
- The Runnable interface
- Threads lifecycle
- Synchronization
- Wait/notify
- Introduction
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
- Download Selenium IDE
- Features
- Understanding HTML
- Pattern Matching
- Different Browsers
- Architecture
- Scripting Using Web Driver
- Most Used Commands
- Adding functions and classes to Web Driver
- Introduction
- Basics
- Writing Test Cases
- Web and Mobile Automation
- Tips & Tricks
- Integration
- Best Practices
- Katalon Analytics
- Basic Syntax
- Groovy compared to JAVA
- 01 Experience in manual testing methods. Background in any development language can be useful in this course