Docker and Kubernetes Containerization Fundamentals


40 Hours

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Course Outline

This comprehensive course equips developers and managers with the skills to build, deploy, and manage containerized applications using Docker and Kubernetes. Hands-on workshops and labs provide practical experience for real-world scenarios. basic Linux experience is recommended.


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Contact us to schedule this course, which will be customized specifically for your organization.


Introduction to Docker
  • Overview of Docker and containerization
  • Understanding Docker architecture
  • Installing Docker on different platforms
  • Running the first Docker container
Docker Images and Containers
  • Creating Docker images using Dockerfile
  • Managing Docker images
  • Running and managing Docker containers
  • Docker container lifecycle
Docker Volumes and Networking
  • Working with Docker volumes
  • Managing data persistence in Docker containers
  • Docker networking concepts
  • Exposing ports and connecting containers
Docker Compose
  • Introduction to Docker Compose
  • Writing Docker Compose files
  • Managing multi-container applications
  • Deploying applications using Docker Compose
Best Practices and Advanced Concepts
  • Docker best practices
  • Multi-stage builds in Docker
  • Using Docker for microservices architecture
  • Docker security considerations
Hands-on Lab and Q&A
  • Hands-on lab exercises to practice Docker commands
  • Q&A session to address any doubts or questions
  • Course wrap-up and feedback
K8s fundamentals
  • Session 1: Introduction to Kubernetes and Container Orchestration , Understanding Kubernetes Architecture and Components , Hands-on Lab: Deploying a Single Pod and Understanding Deployments
  • Session 2: Exploring Kubernetes Services and Load Balancing, Hands-on Lab: Exposing Applications with LoadBalancer Services, • In-depth Discussion on StatefulSets and DaemonSets
  • Session 3: Understanding Persistent Volume Claims and Storage Classes in Kubernetes, Authentication, Authorization, and RBAC in Kubernetes
  • Session 4:Introduction to Ingress and Helm Charts in Kubernetes, Hands-on Lab: Deploying Applications with Helm Charts, Q&A Session, Recap, and Course Conclusion
Kubernetes Architecture
  • Master and Node components
  • Pods, Deployments, and Services
  • Kubernetes API
Hands-on Lab: Setting up a Kubernetes Cluster
  • Installing Kubernetes locally
  • Creating a simple deployment
Kubernetes Services
  • Service types
  • Load balancing and service discovery
  • Ingress Controllers
Introduction to Helm
  • Overview of Helm
  • Benefits of Helm
  • Helm Charts and Templates
Creating Helm Charts
  • Structure of a Helm Chart
  • Chart.yaml and values.
  • yaml files Templates and helpers
Hands-on Lab: Developing a Helm Chart
  • Creating a basic Helm Chart
  • Defining templates and values
  • Packaging and deploying the chart
Advanced Topics
  • Canary Releases with Helm Ingress Controllers and Annotations Resource Management in Kubernetes
  • Ingress Controllers and Annotations
  • Resource Management in Kubernetes


  • Basic Linux experience is recommended

Upcoming Meetings

There are no upcoming meetings for this course.
Contact us to schedule this course, which will be customized specifically for your organization.

Target Audience

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