Jest puppeteer


32 Hours

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Course Outline

Jest Puppeteer is a combination of two powerful tools: Jest, which is a popular JavaScript testing framework, and Puppeteer, a Node library for controlling headless Chrome or Chromium. Jest Puppeteer allows you to write end-to-end tests for web applications, simulating user interactions and verifying the results. It's particularly useful for testing web UIs in a realistic environment.


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  • Introduction to web scraping and automation
  • Setting up a development environment with Node.js and NPM
  • Introduction to Puppeteer
  • Navigating websites and manipulating the DOM using Puppeteer
  • Working with forms, buttons, and events in Puppeteer
  • Scraping dynamic websites and bypassing CAPTCHAs with Puppeteer
  • Debugging and troubleshooting in Puppeteer
  • Best practices for web scraping and automation
  • Working with forms, buttons, and events in Puppeteer
  • Scraping dynamic websites and bypassing CAPTCHAs with Puppeteer
  • Debugging and troubleshooting in Puppeteer
  • Best practices for web scraping and automation
  • Integrating Puppeteer and Jest for end-to-end testing
  • Debugging and troubleshooting tests in Jest
  • Best practices for testing with Jest
  • Project: Building a real-world application that combines
  • Puppeteer and Jest for web scraping and testing


  • JavaScript: Since both Jest and Puppeteer are JavaScript-based tools, having a solid grasp of JavaScript fundamentals is essential, Node.js and npm: Jest and Puppeteer are Node.js packages, so familiarity with Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) is necessary.
  • HTML and CSS: Understanding HTML structure and CSS selectors is important for interacting with elements on web pages during testing.
  • Asynchronous JavaScript (Promises, async/await): Puppeteer relies heavily on asynchronous JavaScript, so understanding concepts like Promises and async/await is crucial.
  • Testing Concepts: Basic knowledge of testing concepts, such as test suites, test cases, assertions, and test runners, is beneficial.
  • Command Line Interface (CLI): Comfort with using the command line interface to run scripts and manage dependencies is useful.

Upcoming Meetings

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Contact us to schedule this course, which will be customized specifically for your organization.

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